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You can find Dr. Scarpone’s research in a multitude of esteemed publications such as Stem Cells International, the Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine, and more. Here are some of his notable medical research and publications.



“Isolation of clinically relevant concentrations of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells without centrifugation” (Journal of Translational Medicine, 2019)

Allogenic platelet releasate preparations derived via a novel rapid thrombin activation process promote rapid growth and increased BMP-2 and BMP-4 expression in human adipose-derived stem cells.(Stem Cells International, 2016)

“Regenerative approaches to tendon and ligament conditions.” (Physical Medicine Rehabilitation Clinician North America. October 2016. 27. 941-984)

Effectiveness of platelet-rich plasma injection for rotator cuff tendinopathy: A prospective open-label study.” (Glob Adv Health Med, 2013)

Magnetic resonance imaging outcomes in a randomized, controlled trail of prolotherapy for lateral epicondylosis (International Musculoskeletal Medicine, September 2010)

The efficacy of prolotherapy for lateral epicondylosis: A pilot study. (Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine, May 2008)

Efficacy of Naproxen sodium for exercise-induced muscle injury and soreness. (Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine, Vol. 7, Number 1, January 1997, pp 3-10)



Clinical and Administrative Considerations in Performing Regenerative Procedures. Regenerative Treatments in Sports and Orthopedic Medicine. (Regenerative Treatments in Sports and Orthopaedic Medicine, October 2018)

Osteoporosis in Aging. (Orthopaedic Surgery: The Essentials, 1999)